Friday, June 6, 2008

Rooted Bounty

It's been awhile since I last posted - I have been busy, however! Many plants to plant and I'm happy to say many cuttings to pot up. My cuttings of Penstemon azureus, Monardella macrantha, Salvia sagittata, and Blue Diamond Impatiens have all rooted! I was so heartened by this that I took several more cuttings yesterday to thus propagate more plants. Most of these cuttings are for my own garden use, but I may gift those around me with the Impatiens.
Right now my garden is sporting a bevy of Salvia blooms - Salvia macellaria, S. "Dancing Dolls", S. jamensis "Sierra San Antonio", and S. greggii "California Sunset" are all blooming right next to each other. This is quite a floral display - the bi-colored little flowers all in shades of orange, yellow, pink and purple from pastel shades to brighter tones. And not far away Salvia chiapensis and S. serpyllifolia bear solid bright magenta and purple flowers. It's certainly turns the heads and wings of passing hummingbirds! And after all those beak-tempting lovelies Salvia discolor, S. "Waverly", and S. melissodora beckon! Happily, most of these Salvias are even drought-tolerant. I'll try to put some picture up in future posts of all this garden excitement.


Deni said...

Next time I visit I will be inspecting you for leaflets :)!

jet said...

Don't forget to check for aphids too!