Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring Green

It's been awhile since I last posted. All the unfurling leaves have kept me busy! I recently made yet another foray to Annie's in Richmond. There I procured all manner of exciting green things! One of the fun things about going there is finding plants not yet listed on their website. The whole experience of it feels mysterious and privileged. I've had a few plants that I found this way, such as Trachelospermum asiaticum and my Calycanthus chinensis. On this last trip it was Riocreuxia torulosa. Now the only drawback is that sometimes information on these is difficult to find! So far all I've been able to find out about the Riocreuxia is that it's a vine native to South Africa that grows in full sun with fragrant flowers. If anyone out there has more information let me know or I'll just have to wildly experiment with it on my own! Of course I also picked up my usual bevy of lovely California natives - a lupine, or two; a Malacothrix, or Snake's Head; an elegant fescue and some other photosynthetic delights. Right now my garden is overflowing with native wildflowers! It's a sight to see! And almost all the Winter-deciduous plants have leaves - oh, the tender first growth of Spring!
And of course my seeds - I did succeed in getting some of the Ipomoea to germinate and transplanted "Glacier Star" and "Milky Way" morning glories into the ground a few days ago. I'm still waiting for the moonflower to send out some true leaves - the cotyledons are looking a little raggedy. The scarlet runner beans I planted next to my corn are germinating and I also added a sunflower and a cempaxuchitl (a marigold) to the corn area. I'm going to try some amaranth there as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has been awhile since you posted! Glad to see something finally. Those are really nice pictures. I like the violas especially!