Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Leaves, petals, sepals...

As I've mentioned previously, things are leafing out. The rate at which this is happening is amazingly fast! Each day seems to bring more and more green leaves, seemingly unfurled overnight. Bare branches are lit with green flame. And flowers! Native wildflowers overflowing the bounds of their beds with petals open to the sun and to pollinators in wanton abandon! Dawn finds me wandering my garden touching the leaves as the rising sun touches them... This is Spring in California! A transient season, because Summer will scorch and halt this abundance but for now it is here - luxurious and green. Today I walked through the oak and bay woodland near my home and found this same Springing. New leaves of oak, male flowers still in bud and the deep maroon Trillium in the sylvan shade. Ecstatic tumblings of leaves in my garden and the hills, and the flowers everywhere.
Later I'll try posting some pictures to convey these sentiments.


Anonymous said...

Will the pictures be x-rated? I'm a bit worried after your prose.

jet said...

I think the bee in the Cistus is pretty x-rated! Naked bee and flower engaged in wild pollination!

Deni said...

You sex maniac you...going around taking pictures of wild pollination!

jet said...

All that pollination is ok if it's to produce seeds!