Friday, August 15, 2008

Nectar Seekers

Well, after a nice spell of cool fogginess the heat is beginning again. At least the Plumerias look happy. I'm my usual heat-wilted self. At any rate there is a lot flowering and I had several hummingbird visits today. The little flying creatures visited about 8 different Salvias, some oregano, a hummingbird fuchsia, a sunflower, and I think I saw it grab a gnat out of the air. I've never seen a hummingbird go after a sunflower before but the little bird spent quite a bit of time with the flowers - maybe it was plucking off insects? Not sure, but the little sucker was busy. I think two different ones visited - a male and female Anna's, possibly. But it was a hard to get a good id because of the angle of light, despite the fact that they were within a foot away from me! I could see the pollen dusting the little feathered heads and the pollen on the beak - very exciting! In other news my moonflowers are in the ground and still growing. I hope this signals a new chapter in my Ipomoea luck! I also repotted a couple of epiphyllums today and did my usual sniffing of native Salvia leaves, and reading of books while sitting in the garden. The next post promises much excitement - before and after photos of the garden! Just as soon as Mom downloads the pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're nagging me in your post!? I'll download your pictures. You know in this hot weather I think that my plants need more water. . .