Saturday, February 23, 2008


Yesterday I planted some Morning Glory (Ipomoea nil and I. tricolor) and Moonflower (I. alba) seeds. I previously had very poor results with the Moonflowers. Very few germinated and those that did succumbed to some unknown seedling-killing ailment. But I think what I did wrong was over-soaking them. With their tough seed coats nicking and soaking them in warm water overnight is recommended. I took "overnight" to be from sometime in the evening to sometime in the morning, not from exactly when you go to bed to when you wake up which apparently what was meant because the seed packet (which I hadn't seen before) said 8 hours. So I soaked them for 7 hours (just to be safe) and planted them and the Morning Glories, which I had soaked with them. I'm starting them indoors for now, since the nights are still pretty chilly - there was low 0f 39F last night! I'd post a picture, but there really isn't much to see yet - just some pots with soil in them. I also planted some Aconitum columbianum seeds outside. This is the third time I've tried these since October of 07 and none have yet germinated. But they still might, since one month stratification is recommended I assume they take cold and a fair amount of time to pop out their little cotyledons. They might just be waiting for warmer and longer days! But I did manage to have a couple of Paeonia californica seeds germinate. I've got bunches of other little seeds and seedlings going right now - in my previous place I didn't have room to do all this seed planting so I'm quite excited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about the seeds too! Can you plant vegetable seeds?